Despite ongoing discussions about the gaming industry’s challenges and increasingly wavering confidence in Xbox, Sony’s sales continue to thrive. While the PlayStation 5 may not be selling at the same breakneck pace as before, reports indicate that, as of the end of March this year, it has sold nearly 60 million units.

Moreover, when comparing these figures to Xbox, it’s a clear domination. During the first quarter of this year, Microsoft’s console sales plummeted by 31 percent. In contrast, Sony managed to ship 4.5 million PlayStation 5 consoles. Roughly estimated, this also implies that approximately 900,000 Xbox Series X|S units were shipped during the same period.

These numbers underscore Sony’s continued strength in the console market, despite the challenges facing the industry as a whole. While Xbox grapples with declining sales, Sony’s PlayStation 5 maintains its momentum, cementing its position as a powerhouse in the gaming world.