In a significant development regarding the tech giant Apple’s compliance with EU regulations, the company has been compelled to allow competing app stores on its iOS platform. However, despite technically abiding by the law, Apple has made it exceedingly challenging for these developers to launch their own stores.

A notable instance arose when Epic Games, the creator of Fortnite, sought to introduce its own Epic Games Store on iOS. Epic Games disclosed that Apple had revoked their developer access to the App Store, prompting swift intervention from the EU. Subsequently, Apple has announced that it will reinstate Epic’s full access.

In an updated statement, Epic Games expressed, “Apple has told us and committed to the European Commission that they will reinstate our developer account. This sends a strong signal to developers that the European Commission will act swiftly to enforce the Digital Markets Act and hold gatekeepers accountable. We are moving forward as planned to launch the Epic Games Store and bring Fortnite back to iOS in Europe. Onward!”

This development suggests that the pressure from the EU has compelled Apple to reconsider its stance. It underscores the importance of regulatory oversight in ensuring fair competition within the digital marketplace.

Source: Mobil