Apple is set to launch its highly-anticipated Titan-based iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max today, and if the sneak peeks from last week’s Apple keynote are any indication, these new mobile models are poised to become gaming juggernauts. The iPhone 15 Pro series is slated to run titles like Assassin’s Creed: Mirage, Death Stranding, and Resident Evil: Village with effortless ease, not through cloud streaming but by rendering these games in their entirety—identical to the versions available on the Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X/S. According to numerous sources, the iPhone 15 Pro Max boasts the same computational prowess as the Xbox Series S, a truly impressive feat. In a recent interview with IGN, Apple boldly asserts that their new phone is the world’s best gaming console, simply because you can carry it in your pocket.

Jeremy Sandmel, Apple’s Senior Director of GPU Software, shares his perspective: “I think they say the best game console is the one you have with you. It’s going to be the best game console.”

Source: Benzinga