In The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom, the first game in the series where Zelda is the main playable character, players have already discovered a fascinating glitch that allows them to control Link instead. Normally, after a brief introduction playing as Link, the game shifts focus to Princess Zelda, who must embark on a quest to rescue Link. However, thanks to a complex series of steps, players can reactivate Link as the playable character later in the game.

The glitch was discovered by a YouTuber named alyo, and it involves starting a new save file, playing through the first dungeon, and then performing a sequence of actions involving a specific enemy and a Sign Echo in Kakariko Village. This exploit rewinds the game back to a save where you were controlling Link, allowing you to continue as him instead of Zelda. However, since Link lacks certain abilities like the Echoes, it’s not possible to finish the game in this state. Nonetheless, it’s a fun discovery for fans who want to see what playing as Link would feel like in this Zelda-focused title.

For those interested in trying it out, it’s worth noting that this glitch might be patched out in future updates, so speedrunners and curious players should act quickly!

For more detailed instructions and a breakdown of how to activate this glitch, check out Nintendo Wire.