That Apple and their products are popular in Sweden is something many of us already know. However, according to recent statistics published by the company itself, their computers, phones, tablets, and watches are actually much more popular than one might have initially thought. In fact, our elongated country ranks as the third most Apple-dense nation in Europe, with a total of six million users, equivalent to about 60 percent of the Swedish population.

Only Luxembourg and Denmark have more registered Apple users in relation to their population; the small duchy boasts 80 percent, and our dear neighboring country closely follows, with around 70 percent of the populace using products from the Cupertino-based company. The European country with the lowest penetration of Apple products is Greece, closely followed by Slovakia and Croatia.

A complete list of all European countries and their respective percentage of the population using Apple can be seen below. These are indeed impressive figures, to say the least.

Source: Asymco