In the gaming world’s equivalent of the Oscars, excitement is building as the prestigious event, led by the always energetic Geoff Keighley, is just around the corner. Among its numerous categories, the Game of the Year award holds the most weight – a prize that most game developers dream of clinching. Today, the eagerly awaited nominations for this coveted category were unveiled, featuring a lineup of blockbuster titles ready to vie for the top spot: Alan Wake 2, Baldur’s Gate 3, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, Resident Evil 4, Super Mario Bros. Wonder, and The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

What has raised eyebrows among analysts and critics alike is the notable absence of Starfield from the nominations. It’s not necessarily that the game deserves a spot, but rather, the omission has become a matter of significant importance. Bethesda’s latest creation was in development for over eight years, and expectations were soaring – as is customary when a new release emerges from the studio behind Elder Scrolls and Fallout.

The absence of Starfield from the Game of the Year nominations has sparked discussions about why such a highly anticipated and long-awaited title failed to secure a spot among the contenders. Many had set their expectations sky-high for the game, given Bethesda’s stellar track record in the industry. Starfield’s exclusion has prompted questions about its reception in the gaming community and whether it lived up to the lofty expectations that accompanied its prolonged development.

As gaming enthusiasts eagerly await the awards gala, the absence of Starfield in the Game of the Year nominations remains a point of intrigue and debate, adding an unexpected twist to the already intense competition among the other stellar titles.

Source: Gameractor