The latest installment of Mortal Kombat 1 acts as both a reboot and continuation of the beloved franchise. Following the events of Mortal Kombat 11, where Liu Kang ascended to godhood and reset the timeline, players are thrust into a new era of the tournament. Familiar characters such as Raiden, Kitana, and Scorpion make their return, but with fresh backstories, offering a creative twist on long-standing personalities. The game’s premise is an exciting mix of new narratives, while staying true to its roots of excessive gore, brutal combat, and visceral storytelling.

Story and Presentation

Mortal Kombat 1’s story mode stands out with its cinematic narrative, a tradition from NetherRealm Studios. The campaign keeps players engaged by shifting between different characters, allowing for variety in gameplay while delivering an engaging tale. Characters who were once central figures, like Raiden, now have humbler beginnings, while others have evolved in unpredictable ways. This fresh narrative approach feels like a breath of fresh air for both long-time fans and newcomers.

Visually, the game excels in its presentation. Facial animations and character designs are among the best seen in a fighting game, contributing to more emotionally engaging cutscenes. The developers have opted for a more realistic aesthetic than its predecessor, leaning away from the exaggerated styles of Mortal Kombat 11. Still, the brutal Fatalities remain as over-the-top and graphically intense as ever, a trademark that will surely delight fans of the franchise.

Gameplay and Mechanics

Mortal Kombat 1 brings some notable changes in its combat mechanics, most prominently the introduction of Kameo fighters. These assist characters can be summoned mid-battle to execute specific moves or support the player during combat. While this introduces a new layer of strategy and dynamic gameplay, it might feel like a departure for traditionalists who prefer one-on-one combat without interference. Despite this, the Kameo system does add tactical depth, allowing for more creative combos and strategy, especially in competitive play.

The core combat system remains as fluid and intuitive as ever, with polished mechanics that reward both newcomers and veterans. Familiar concepts like special moves, combo chains, and the signature Fatalities are present, though the introduction of new Fatal Blow attacks during critical health moments amps up the intensity. These powerful, cinematic attacks often decide the fate of a match and keep players on the edge of their seats.

Invasion Mode and Content

In addition to the traditional story and arcade modes, Invasion Mode is a standout new feature. This mode mixes elements of a board game with battles against variants of classic Mortal Kombat characters across multiple parallel universes. It provides a fun break from standard combat by introducing special challenges, including environmental hazards and unique enemy abilities. Alongside Invasion, players can unlock new cosmetics, weapons, and Fatalities, further expanding the customization options.

Mastery paths allow players to focus on their favorite characters, unlocking more items and finishers the more time invested in specific fighters. This ensures there’s always a sense of progression beyond mastering the gameplay itself.

Multiplayer and Technical Performance

Online multiplayer remains a central focus, with smooth and responsive net code ensuring competitive matches are fair. The game has also been praised for its matchmaking system that balances skill levels, keeping fights challenging yet manageable.

On the technical front, there are mixed reviews. While PS5 and Xbox Series X versions run smoothly with high-quality visuals, the PC version has been reported to experience performance issues, such as frame drops and lag, even on powerful hardware. Hopefully, future patches will address these issues, but for now, it seems like console players are getting the superior experience.


Mortal Kombat 1 delivers a satisfying mix of nostalgia, innovation, and brutality. With its revitalized story, new mechanics like the Kameo system, and substantial single-player content in Invasion Mode, the game offers plenty to keep players engaged. While some technical issues may detract from the experience on PC, console players will enjoy a seamless and visually stunning fighting game. The strategic depth and visceral combat ensure that Mortal Kombat 1 is a worthy reboot and a must-play for any fighting game enthusiast.