The holiday season is finally here, and it’s time for me to take a short break to relax and recharge. Techcravers will be taking a pause from website updates for a little while to enjoy the holidays, but don’t worry – I’ll still be active on YouTube! Even though I’ll be stepping away from writing […]
Dear Techcravers Community, As the summer sun rises higher and the days grow longer, it’s the perfect time to recharge our batteries. Here at Techcravers, we believe in the importance of balancing hard work with well-deserved rest. With that in mind, we wanted to let you all know that we’ll be taking a summer break. […]
A mayor milestone have been reached in the life of Techcravers. The other day we hit 10k subscribers over at Youtube, and to celebrate this, I sat down with some of the handhelds that has led up to this fantastic moment. I also host my first GIVEAWAY where you can enter for a chance to […]
I have finally found some time to play around with my Steam Deck. EmuDeck released their latest update for their popular emulator installer (EmuDeck 2.1) recently, and in my latest video, I demonstrate how to quickly and smoothly get started with emulation on the Steam Deck. In other news, Steam Deck enthusiasts can now rejoice […]
Techcravers now has a Youtube channel. I get lots of products sent from companies that want to have their products reviewed and displayed in Techcraver’s channels (mainly on Instagram and the web), but I have long missed being able to post unboxing videos and game playthroughs. Now we finally have a place on Youtube where […]
Despite global chip shortage and covid, 2021 has offered many fantastic tech and gaming news for us techcravers. I have every reason to believe that next year will be at least as good. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone I have collaborated with during the year and of course send a […]
I just want to take the opportunity to wish everyone an as Happy Easter as possible. I hope you have a great holiday even during these boring covid times. will be back after the weekend with new reviews, news and updates!