Mark Zuckerberg had few positive comments to share regarding the long-alleged showdown between him and Elon Musk. He expresses doubt that it will ever happen and now accuses Musk of being unserious. Through his Threads account, Zuckerberg stated:

“I believe we can collectively agree that Elon is not displaying seriousness, and it’s prudent to shift our focus,”

“I proposed a definite date. Dana White extended an offer to turn this into a legitimate charitable competition. Elon has not confirmed any date, initially citing the need for surgery, and now suggesting a trial run in my own backyard.”

“If Elon demonstrates a genuine commitment to a formal date and an official event, he knows the channels to reach me. Otherwise, it’s time to redirect our energies. My attention will be directed towards competing with individuals who approach the sport with dedication.”

Could it be that Musk is apprehensive about facing the (considerably) more physically fit Zuckerberg? Only time will tell, but nonetheless, we continue to hold onto the hope that this spectacle will eventually materialize. Even though the odds are currently unfavorable.

Source: Variety