Last Saturday, one of the most important gadgets in history, so far, turned teenager. On January 9, 2007, Steve Jobs finally got to present the iPhone during that year’s big Mac event – Macworld. The little phone was far from what we have today but even further from what we had back then. Instead of a physical keyboard, they delivered a large screen that had a magical innovation, the multi touch. Multi touch enabled the user to press a screen in more than one place at the same time. This allowed you to do things we take for granted today, like zoom in an image with two fingers.

The system was based on the new operating system OS X, which meant that you had access to a lot of things that at this time were impossible or complicated on other phones. Like animations and graphics – small but incredibly beautiful things like that when you scrolled through the contact list, the current letter you were on was pinned at the top. Lots of these details are still alive and used in today’s version of OS X.